ISES Supports the Recommendations Made by the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission

The International Society for Equitation Science (ISES) is actively promoting equine welfare enhancements within equestrian sports through a science-based approach. This comes as concerns grow over potential conflicts between human interests and the well-being of horses in these competitions. ISES endorses the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission (EEWC)'s efforts, especially the "30 Recommendations" aiming to secure a "Good Life for Horses." These steps are seen as pivotal to ensuring the long-term sustainability of horse sports.
We emphasise the importance of considering horses' welfare from both ethical and scientific standpoints. While values drive human perspectives, welfare science provides an objective understanding of horses' experiences, crucial for their well-being.
ISES champions the "precautionary principle," urging decisions that prioritise horse welfare when doubts arise. A point of contention is the mandatory use of double bridles in Grand Prix Dressage. ISES calls for rider choice, aligning with EEWC's deregulation proposal and supporting snaffle bridle options for horse comfort. ISES also supports objective noseband tightness measures, criticising the lack of FEI commitment to these standards despite scientific backing. We advocate for clear guidelines aligned with research.
Further, ISES encourages equestrians to pledge to the EEWC Equestrian Charter, recognising horses as sentient beings. We call on the FEI to champion equine welfare, ensuring a sustainable and ethical future for equestrian sports.