
Member appreciation!
I am always thrilled to hear about how our members incorporate equitation science into what they do. Kathy Jackson, an ISES member residing on the west coast of Canada, put her efforts into writing a children’s book on equitation science. “Mom I want to ride” is a story about 10 year old Tom and his learning and riding adventures with his mom. It covers the 10 Training Principles, how they are used and how important they are. Erica Sutfin provided the illustrations for the book and both Kathy and Erica are working on a second book based on how shaping is used as Tom and his mom go off to camp. Their new book should be available just in time for Christmas.
“ISES provides more and more peer reviewed science for us to learn and pass along. It’s been a fascinating journey learning from such dedicated scientists, showing us all a better way to train and keep our horses. It is our hope that through our books, we can encourage a new generation of horse enthusiasts to understand that better welfare and training is key to ensuring long, happy, productive lives for all horses.” - Kathy Jackson

Win a taper gauge!
Don’t forget that ISES members have access to a member logo. I challenge each of you to send a photo of how creative you can be using your member logo to [email protected]. We will post the photos on our socials and use an audience poll to determine who will win a noseband taper gauge. If you don’t have your logo, email [email protected]  to request yours.Â
Annual report
And finally, we have filed our annual report with the Charity Commission of the UK and Wales (which we operate under). Our report has a new look and we hope you appreciate what your society has accomplished over the past year. You can read the report here.
Remember to regularly check out the member’s area on our website for lots of cool news and information.  Â

Problem behaviours in horses survey
Dr Orla Doherty is gathering data on the impact of problem behaviors in horses on riders, handlers, and those working with horses, along with their strategies for addressing these issues. Dr Doherty is a Veterinary Surgeon, graduated from UCD in 1992, and obtained a Master's Degree in Animal Behavior and Welfare from Edinburgh University in 1993. She established the Animal Behavior Clinic in 1994 and has been addressing behavior issues in animals across the country. She kindly requests that participants take a moment to complete the survey and, more importantly, share it with individuals or groups connected to horses outside of ISES. The survey results will be publicly disclosed, and any additional insights on this subject are greatly appreciated. Click here to participate.
Ride safe!